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A little about me


I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a colleague, a friend.

I am many things to many people as I interact with the world around me.


Values and self-healing


What I've invariably discovered in balancing the roles I have in life, is that I had become caught up in the busyness of doing. I found myself living a life trying to do everything I could to meet the perceived and sometimes actual expectations of those around me. I measured my worth and value in how well I did at meeting these expectations. In the process, I lost a sense of who I am, what is important to me and how I deeply desired to live my life.


In late 2018, the sense of feeling lost and trapped became overwhelming and I realised that I needed to reclaim my life and take back my authority over my mind, my body and my self. Little did I know, that I was weaving my cocoon to do the deep healing that needed to be done. Invariably, this journey of self discovery has been illuminating and ultimately transformative as I wove the interconnectedness of what I thought was a fragmented life, into something that has helped me and is helping others on their own personal journey of discovery and healing


I firmly believe that by bringing about healing and wholeness for the individual, and reclaiming authority over mind, body and self, we can collectively transform families, communities and societies on a global scale. Yes, I have a big vision!


My professional background


To know a bit about my background, I hold an Advanced Diploma in Business Management, where I pursued a major in Tourism, a Bachelor Degree in Applied Social Science majoring in Counselling, and a Graduate Diploma in Public Administration. I have worked across a range of different sectors and fields of work, in a variety of roles and for the last 10 years, a majority of this has been in Leadership and Managment roles.


As an adventurer, explorer and seeker, my own personal journey has led me into a range of interests, hobbies and careers. I love to travel, try new things, experience new sensations, sights, learn and immerse myself in the joy of it all. In fact, you could call me a bit of a drifter.


Acceptance of self


I have come to accept that being a drifter is not a character defect.  I was made this way. This is who I am and there is nothing wrong or bad about me. I discovered this when I learnt the French word for drift. Derive. (As to be expected, when you say anything in French, it immediately sounds 100% better!)


Derive (to drift) is deeply immersive; it means that I have the ability to find connection and meaning in things that others might not necessarily see. It might look chaotic and aimless on the outside, however, for the drifter, it is an intensely intuitive process that will ultimately reveal purpose. In business terms, you would call me polymath, a systems thinker and a boundary spanner.


Curious to know more?


If this sounds like something you would like to explore further, or have questions about, please do not hesitate to                           , or click the button below to find our more about the servies I provide. It would be a privilege to talk with you about my journey and help you discover how you can take steps to realising and unlocking your own potential.


Andrea K.


©2021 by Andrea K. 

I would like to acknowledge and pay my respects to the Kuarna people of the Adelaide Plains, lands on which I am grateful to live, work, gather and connect with others on. I would like to pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging and I recognise their continuing connections to land, waters and culture. Sovereignty was never ceded, it always was, and always will be Aboriginal lands.

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